How much is prostatitis treated?

Prostatitis is considered a serious inflammatory disease. It has a negative impact on erectile function and the work of the genitourinary system. The appearance of the disease is caused by hypothermia of the genitals, insufficient sex life or infection. No doctor can tell exactly how much prostatitis is being treated. The speed of recovery depends on the treatment, the accompanying disease, the degree of neglect and the form of prostatitis. Compared with monotherapy, the use of comprehensive therapy can make the inflammatory process disappear faster.

Duration of prostatitis treatment

Unable to calculate the exact time for treatment of prostatitis. In each case, it is different. Treatment aims to eliminate symptoms and restore the man's emotional state. The basis of treatment is the intake of anti-inflammatory drugs.

Their application period is 4-12 weeks. The treatment plan is chosen by the doctor. He focused on the results of the diagnostic research.

The following drugs have also been prescribed:

  • Analgesics;
  • Immunomodulator;
  • Antiviral drugs;
  • Vitamin complex.

Chronic prostatitis is more difficult to cure. Therefore, treatment will take longer.

If there is no positive trend after taking antibiotics for 3 months, surgery should be performed. The recovery process will take 1-2 months.

Causes and symptoms of male prostatitis

The amount of treatment for acute prostatitis depends on the timeliness of seeing a doctor. The earlier the disease is discovered, the less work is required to eliminate it.

Physical therapy and dieting will help speed up and improve medication.

The duration of taking antibacterial drugs is 14-20 days. This time is sufficient to relieve the symptoms of the disease.

The result of processing is:

  • Normalization of urination function;
  • Eliminate pain and pressure in the perineum;
  • Restore erection;
  • Improve semen quality;
  • Strengthen the immune system.

In some cases, doctors will prescribe micro enema and prostate massage.

How to speed up the healing process?

The speed of recovery largely depends on the actions of outsiders in the medical institution. With the help of folk remedies, you can increase the effectiveness of the main therapies.

For this, the following conditions apply:

  • diet;
  • Medical gymnastics;
  • Warm bath;
  • Folk remedies.

Following the doctor’s advice is important to the effectiveness of treatment. Men need to give up sexual intercourse temporarily. It is important to avoid hypothermia and stress. It is also recommended that you lead a healthy lifestyle.


Following certain eating habits will strengthen the body and speed up the healing process. The diet should be balanced. It is recommended to stop eating high-fat foods.

It promotes the formation of atherosclerotic plaque, thereby slowing down blood circulation in the pelvis. Adding coriander, walnuts, cucumber and dill to the diet will help strengthen the work of the prostate.

Drinking alcoholic beverages will reduce the effectiveness of antibacterial treatments and inhibit prostate function.

Remedial gymnastics

The length of treatment for prostatitis depends on the male's physical fitness level. A sedentary lifestyle can impair genital blood circulation. Therapeutic exercise helps to normalize it, thereby keeping the prostate in a normal state.

As the body strengthens, the load gradually increases. It is recommended to practice under the guidance of experts.

Taboos include:

  • Increased body temperature;
  • Postoperative period;
  • Chronic diseases of internal organs in the acute period.

Does not twitch during exercise. The transition between them should be smooth. You must warm up before exercise. This will prevent injuries.

It is recommended to contract and untie the anal muscles during each exercise. This will increase the effectiveness of therapeutic exercises.

Warm bath

Taking a hot bath can ensure blood flow to the pelvic organs. This helps to eliminate the painful feeling.

In order to make the effect more obvious, it is recommended to follow the following rules:

  • Water temperature-no more than 40⁰С;
  • Bathing time-no more than 20 minutes;
  • Consult a urologist before using a warm bath.

It is useful for the male body to add herbal soup in the bath. They help normalize the genitourinary system and have a relaxing effect.

The following recipe is most effective:

  1. 70 grams of lavender should be poured into 5 liters of hot water. Within 15 minutes, the remedy is ready, then add it to the bathtub. The whole treatment process includes 10 procedures.
  2. Pour the needles into boiling water and let stand for 15 minutes. After filtering, add the broth to the bath. During this process, redness of the skin may be observed. This indicates that blood circulation is improved.
  3. 5 liters of hot water requires 70 grams of hay. The therapy was injected for 10 minutes. The bath with soup does not exceed 8 minutes. The treatment time includes 15 procedures.

Folk remedies

Traditional therapy is adjuvant therapy. If anti-inflammatory drugs are not used, they will not have the desired effect on the disease.

The most effective folk remedies include:

  1. 2 mummies must be diluted with running water until completely dissolved. Take 3 times a day before meals.
  2. 500g pumpkin seeds should be chopped thoroughly with a blender, and then mixed with 200ml bee honey. The ball rolls from the resulting mass. It is recommended to store them in the refrigerator. Take 1 tablet before meals.
  3. Birch tar must be heated and combined with 3 tablespoons. l. Propolis tin agent. Put the ointment into the rectal opening with a straw every day before going to bed. The degree of treatment of male prostatitis in this way depends on its severity. On average, this takes 1-2 months.
  4. Pour 300ml of hot water into the herbal mixture of juniper, wintergreen, celandine, bearberry and plantain. Afterwards, prepare the infusion for 15 minutes in a water bath.
  5. In the acute form of prostatitis, you need to eat a bit of crushed wormwood with warm water. The dose interval is 2 hours.
  6. 100 grams of dry and chopped poplar bark should be poured into 1 liter of hot water. In 15 minutes, cook on low heat. You need to cool it down for half an hour before eating once a day.
  7. Use a blender to chop the longevity leaves. One cup of the mixture will require 100 milliliters of vodka or pure alcohol. The agent will be ready within 5 days. You need to take 1 teaspoon of the agent. every day.

What happens if inflammation is not treated in time?

Some men already know how long it takes to treat prostatitis, so let this problem be solved. Prostatitis changes from an acute form to a chronic form in its neglected form. In this case, the duration of the treatment period increases. It may take several months.

With the long-term development of non-infectious prostatitis, the following complications have appeared:

  • Urinary system diseases;
  • Ejaculation problems, lack of libido;
  • The quality of semen has decreased;
  • Neurological disease;
  • Prostate sclerosis.
How and how men treat prostatitis

The infectious form of prostatitis is the dangerous spread of infection to other organs in the small pelvis. As a result, the function of the genitourinary system is disturbed, and the erection disappears completely. There is an increased risk of cystitis, abscess, vesicular inflammation or infertility.

The most dangerous complication is abscess. It causes kidney infections and urinary tract stasis.

As the course of prostatitis prolongs, scars will form in the prostate, which can only be removed with the help of surgery.

If prostatitis is accompanied by adenoma or cancer, it may reduce the prognosis. In order to eliminate the disease, surgical intervention is required.

The length of treatment for prostatitis depends on a combination of many factors. On average, this process takes 1-3 months. In the case of concomitant diseases, this period increases significantly. Early diagnosis of the disease is the most reliable way to speed up recovery and prevent complications.